Basically when making a monogram or logo, first thing to consider is where you will be putting this monogram ? on what items? sizes? fonts? and so on .
Looking into different monograms i came up with a few to suit my initials which is ''AK"
yes, sounds like AK 47 :P
Before anything , i googled different designs which were related to ''aK'' my initials. just for basic ideas.
Before anything , i googled different designs which were related to ''aK'' my initials. just for basic ideas.
I also watched some youtube videos which gave monogram printing tutorials.
However , I sketched out a few on my sketch pad . and i actually found this activity interesting, i actually had my own logo at the end of the day. I did alot of research related to these monograms.
Here are a few "AK'' designs .

After choosing the one which would represent me the best , i adjusted the design in different forms and sizes and also spacing .. seeing whether over lapping would look better or just plain and simple.
have it a leafy curves. and pointy at some areas. and also bottom having a girly look.
final logo :)
whats the next thing ? yeyyy!
Trying to make stencils for printing,
To make stencils we need a cutting mat , plastic papers, rulers and other mini needful stuff.
however paste the logo on the plastic and stick it carefully, note: plastic is slippery if not stuck well, the paper can move away and the design might not come out well.
also the blade used should be sharp for a clear cut.
so basically the stencils could be used in either way , totally upto the user .
what i did, is i resized my logo to different sizes for different purposes. hence stencils are prepared . note: the logo may not be appropriate on every items you come across.
but again its totally fine trying out on different items, you never know sometimes it might look good than you thought .
I made these stencils for different use, phonecase, pillow cover also the logo as my photography signature.
these are just trials.
i flipped over the pillow and made a different print on the other side, however these prints could be also used on other items like a folder , paper case, wallet , laptop decoration.
how do u print them manually?
first cut them into different sizes using a very fine sharp blade.
after cutting the stencils , several mediums could be used such as fabric paints , spray paint , marker and much more.
i have used mostly spray paint and fabric paint for my items.
during spraying , the other part should be covered carefully using papers in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes.
These are my logos cut in different sizes.
A friend's phone cover
My laptop :):)
My wallet
paper folder
plastic paper case
This is the other side of the pillow.
*Just Experimenting*

Like i said , anywhere u print your monogram it just has to look good, gives aesthetic value.
my learning outcomes :
guess what?
i made my own monogram!
i had fun!
This is my work, my monogram and im lovin' it ! :)
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